Aim & Scope

Sivas Cumhuriyet University Journal of Sport Sciences is an international peer-reviewed, scientific journal that adopts an open access policy, publishes internationally and is non-profit, published three times a year. The aim of the journal; To create a scientific infrastructure, add value and create an academically qualified scientific platform for the country's sports by handling current developments in the field of sports sciences in a holistic and inclusive way.

Quantitative and qualitative researches on all fields of sports sciences, compilation studies that comprehensively evaluate the latest literature, model proposals and similar original articles are included in the journal. For this purpose, publications are published in the fields of Physical Education and Sports Education, Movement and Training Sciences, Sports Management and Psychosocial in Sports, which are within the field of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, original researches made at the intersections of different fields of science, compilation studies based on in-depth analysis and interpretations, studies prepared by invited researchers on predetermined topics and scientific articles that are thought to contribute to the field are included.

Period Months
April August December
