Our study aims that investigation to effect on shot performance and range of motion, balance, vertical jump, claw force, core force that have been applied to athletes who engaged in the sport of roller archery during 8 weeks. The women roller archers who train regularly have been included in this study The physical and anthropometric characteristics of the athletes have been measured twice; 18 meter shot performance and core force stabilities, level range of motion, balance stabilities, vertical jump, claw force, double arm lenght (159±7,4), body mass index (22,83±2,8), weight (57,97±8,4), height of athletes (160,4±6,8). As statisticial way, Shapiro Wilk test has been used to determine whether the data shows normal distribition or not. After It has been detected that the data shows normal distribition, paired simple independent T test has been applied to participants. At the end of the study, statistically important differences were found in the dual comparison of the range of motion levels of the athletes (p<0,05). In other sub-dimensions, no significant differences were found (p>0,05). We believe that our study can be an important basis for later studies.