Peer-Review Process

Journal of Erciyes Communication employs double-blind refereeing system. Double-blind refereeing is a method concerning publishing of scientific publications in high quality within ethical standards. This method is the basis of an objective evaluation process of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals.

Articles submitted to the Journal of Erciyes Communication are reviewed first by the Editorial Board in terms of compliance with the journal's principles, and then sent to two approved referees. If deemed necessary, articles may be sent to a third referee approved by the editor.

In accordance with the double-blinding method, the identities of the authors and referees are kept secret. The editorial board decides on the publication of the articles.

Refereeing Process

1. The preliminary evaluation of the articles sent to the journal is made within 15 days. Authors know that if they do not complete the changes requested from them during the pre-control phase for the files they upload to the system within 15 days at the latest, their submitted works will be returned before the editing phase.

2. Articles that are reviewed and edited by the secretary in terms of technical conditions are sent to the editorial board. The author is informed about the article within 15 days.

3. After the editorial board examines the article in terms of its scientific quality within the framework of editorial responsibility, it decides to return, reject or start the article processing process.

4. After the language editor's review, the double-blind peer-review process is initiated. The article is directed to at least two referees through field editors.

5. Considering the conflict of interest in the determination of the referees, care is taken not to appoint referees from the same institution with the author or who are found to have worked with the author in the past. Within this framework, the principle of diversity and impartiality is observed in the appointment of arbitrators.

6. For the scientific review of the articles, referees who are expected to evaluate with a competent approach and comply with the referee responsibilities and have academic studies on the literature are appointed.

7. The article is prepared for publication if both of the referee reports determined in line with the blind refereeing system are positive. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. If the third referee's report is positive, the article can be published with the approval of the editorial board. If the third referee's report is negative, the article cannot be published.

8. When the referee reports are completed, the article is sent back to the author for correction. Authors must make edits and upload them to the system within 15 days. The articles that the referees want to see again are sent back to the referee after the author's editing. After the referee reports and with the approval of the editor, the article is sent for final reading. After the post-reading process, the article, whose layout processes are completed, goes to the publication stage.

9. The final decision regarding the publication of the articles belongs to the chief editor. The author is informed with a decision letter containing the referee reports and chief editor evaluation.

10. Article processes are completed within 3 months and published in the January or July issue determined by the editorial board.

Last Update Time: 5/24/24, 12:41:26 PM