Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 373 - 386, 29.06.2020


Spor tüketicileri olarak kabul edilen spor seyircileri tarafından takip edilen lig markalarıyla ilgili algılanan marka çağrışımlarının bilinçli yönetimi, başta marka sadakati olmak üzere liglerin marka sermayesine önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bu güne kadar Türkiye’de spor liglerinin marka çağrışımlarına yönelik bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmanın amacı spor lig marka çağrışımlarını incelemek ve lig marka çağrışımlarını futbol ve basketbol lig izleyicilerine göre farklı olup olmadığını test etmektir. Çalışmaya 176 futbol ligi izleyicisi, 184 basketbol ligi izleyicisi olmak üzere toplam 360 lig izleyicisi gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Lig marka çağrışımlarını ölçmek için, literatürden uyarlanan marka çağrışım boyutları kullanılmıştır. Tek örneklem t-testi sonucuna göre kaçış, logo, stadyum atmosferi, nostalji, rekabet, gelenek, ürün sunumu, rekabetçi denge, sosyalleşme, yıldız oyuncu, oyunun temsili, özel takım ilgisi ve eğitim lig izleyicileri için önemli olabilecek çağrışımlar olarak bulunmuştur. Bağımsız örneklemler t-testi sonucuna göre, futbol ligi izleyicilerinin rekabetçi denge, oyunun temsili, özel takım ilgisi, rekabet, gelenek, lig özdeşleşmesi, yıldız oyuncu çağrışımlarını değerlendirme düzeyleri, basketbol ligi izleyicilerinin değerlendirme düzeylerinden daha büyük bulunurken; futbol ligi izleyicilerinin lig yönetimi çağrışımını değerlendirme düzeyleri, basketbol ligi izleyicilerinin değerlendirme düzeylerinden daha düşük bulunmuştur. 


  • Aaker, D.A. (1991), Managing Brand Equity: Capitilazing on the value of a brand name, New York: Free Press.
  • Aaker D.A. (1996), Building strong brands, New York: Free Press.
  • Alpar R. (2010). Spor, Sağlık ve Eğitim Bilimlerinden Örneklerle Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Geçerlik-Güvenirlik, Ankara: Detay yayıncılık.
  • Bauer H.H, Stokburger-Sauer NE, Exler S. (2008), “Brand image and fan loyalty in professional team sport: A refined model and empirical assessment”. Journal of Sport Management, 22 (2), 205.
  • Bayram N. (2013), Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş Amos Uygulamaları, Bursa: Ezgi kitabevi.
  • Beech J.G., Chadwick S. (Eds.), (2007), The Marketing of Sport, England: Pearson Education.
  • Biel AL. (1992), “How brand image drives brand equity”, Journal of advertising research, 32(6), 6-12.
  • Brislin RW. (1990), Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication Inc.
  • Chadwick S, Holt M. (2008), “Releasing latent brand equity: The case of UEFA's Champions League”, Marketing Review, 8 (2), 147-162.
  • Cobb-Walgren CJ, Ruble CA, Donthu N. (1995), “Brand equity, brand preference, and purchase intent”, Journal of advertising, 24 (3), 25-40.
  • Farquhar PH. (1989), “Managing brand equity”, Marketing Research, 1 (3), 24-33.
  • Faircloth J, Capella L, Alford B. (2001), “The effect of brand attitude and brand image on brand equity”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 9 (3), 61-75.
  • Gladden, JM, Milne GR, Sutton WA. (1998), “A conceptual framework for assessing brand equity in division I college athletics”. Journal of Sport Management, 12 (1), 1–19.
  • Gladden JM, Funk DC. (2001), “Understanding brand loyalty in professional sport: Examining the link between brand associations and brand loyalty”, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 3 (1), 54-81.
  • Gladden J. M, Funk D.C. (2002), “Developing an understanding of brand associations in team sport: Empirical evidence from consumers of professional sport”, Journal of Sport Management, 16 (1), 54–81.
  • Kalaycı Ş. (2010), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
  • Keller KL. (1993), “Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity”, The Journal of Marketing, 57 (1), 1-22.
  • Keller KL. (2008), Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Kent State University Libraries. (2018), SPSS Tutorials: Independent Samples t Test, Son güncelleme 07.11.2018. (17.11.2018).
  • Kunkel T, Funk D, King C. (2009), “In Sustainable management and marketing: Proceedings of Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: Consumer based brand associations for professional football leagues. Melbourne, VIC.
  • Kunkel T, Funk D, King C. (2014), “Developing a Conceptual Understanding of Consumer-based League Brand Associations”, Journal of Sport Management, 28(1). 49-67.
  • Low GS, Lamb CW. (2000), “The measurement and dimensionality of brand Associations”, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 9 (6), 350-70.
  • Mullin BJ, Hardy S, Sutton WA. (2007), Sport Marketing ( Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Nunnally JC. (1978), Psychometric Theory (2nd. ed.,. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Ross SD, James JD, Vargas P. (2006). “Development of a scale to measure professional sport team brand associations”, Journal of Sport Management, 20, 260-279.
  • Ross SD, Russell KC, Bang H. (2008), “An empirical assessment of spectator-based brand equity”, Journal of Sport Management, 22 (3), 322-337.
  • Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. (2001), Using Multivariate Statistics (6.Ed.), [Elektronik Sürünüm]. Pearson.
  • Villarejo Ramos ÁF, Martín Velicia FA. (2007), “A proposed model for measuring the brand equity in sports organizations”, ESIC-Market, 127, 331-374.
  • Williams AS. (2010). Examining the role of brand associations in multipurpose fitness facilities: The relationship between service quality, exercise commitment, brand associations, and brand loyalty. Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University.
  • Yoo B, Donthu N, Lee S. (2000), “An examination of selected marketing mix elements and brand equity”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), 195 211. Yıldız Y. (2016), “A research on soccer teams’ brand associations”, The Sport Journal, 56 (19).
  • Yıldız Y. (2016), “A research on soccer teams’ brand associations”, The Sport Journal, 56 (19).
  • Yıldız Y, Ay C, Özbey S. (2012), “Futbol takımlarında tüketici temelli marka değeri: Bir model önerisi”. Ege Akademik Bakış,12,1-10.


Year 2020, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 373 - 386, 29.06.2020


The conscious management of the brand associations perceived related to the league brands that are followed by sports spectators which are considered as sports consumers, provides significant contributions to the brand equity of leagues, especially brand loyalty. Until now, there has been no study on the brand associations of sports leagues in Turkey. So, the aim of this study is to examine the sports league brand associations and testing whether the levels of evaluation of league brand associations differ according to soccer and basketball viewers. A total of 360 league viewers, 176 football league viewers and 184 basketball league viewers, participated in the study voluntarily. To measure the sports league brand associations, the brand associations dimensions adapted from the literature are used. According to the results of one sample t-test, the escape, logo, stadium atmosphere, nostalgia, rivalry, tradition, product delivery, competitive balance, socialisation, star player, game representation, special team interest and education are found to be important associations for sports league viewers. According to the results of independent samples t-test, the evaluation levels of football league viewers for the associations of competitive balance, game representation, special team interest, rivalry, tradition, league identification, star player are found to be higher than the evaluation levels of basketball league viewers. However, the evaluation level of football league viewers for league management association is found to be lower than the evaluation level of basketball league viewers. 


  • Aaker, D.A. (1991), Managing Brand Equity: Capitilazing on the value of a brand name, New York: Free Press.
  • Aaker D.A. (1996), Building strong brands, New York: Free Press.
  • Alpar R. (2010). Spor, Sağlık ve Eğitim Bilimlerinden Örneklerle Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Geçerlik-Güvenirlik, Ankara: Detay yayıncılık.
  • Bauer H.H, Stokburger-Sauer NE, Exler S. (2008), “Brand image and fan loyalty in professional team sport: A refined model and empirical assessment”. Journal of Sport Management, 22 (2), 205.
  • Bayram N. (2013), Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesine Giriş Amos Uygulamaları, Bursa: Ezgi kitabevi.
  • Beech J.G., Chadwick S. (Eds.), (2007), The Marketing of Sport, England: Pearson Education.
  • Biel AL. (1992), “How brand image drives brand equity”, Journal of advertising research, 32(6), 6-12.
  • Brislin RW. (1990), Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication Inc.
  • Chadwick S, Holt M. (2008), “Releasing latent brand equity: The case of UEFA's Champions League”, Marketing Review, 8 (2), 147-162.
  • Cobb-Walgren CJ, Ruble CA, Donthu N. (1995), “Brand equity, brand preference, and purchase intent”, Journal of advertising, 24 (3), 25-40.
  • Farquhar PH. (1989), “Managing brand equity”, Marketing Research, 1 (3), 24-33.
  • Faircloth J, Capella L, Alford B. (2001), “The effect of brand attitude and brand image on brand equity”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 9 (3), 61-75.
  • Gladden, JM, Milne GR, Sutton WA. (1998), “A conceptual framework for assessing brand equity in division I college athletics”. Journal of Sport Management, 12 (1), 1–19.
  • Gladden JM, Funk DC. (2001), “Understanding brand loyalty in professional sport: Examining the link between brand associations and brand loyalty”, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 3 (1), 54-81.
  • Gladden J. M, Funk D.C. (2002), “Developing an understanding of brand associations in team sport: Empirical evidence from consumers of professional sport”, Journal of Sport Management, 16 (1), 54–81.
  • Kalaycı Ş. (2010), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
  • Keller KL. (1993), “Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity”, The Journal of Marketing, 57 (1), 1-22.
  • Keller KL. (2008), Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Kent State University Libraries. (2018), SPSS Tutorials: Independent Samples t Test, Son güncelleme 07.11.2018. (17.11.2018).
  • Kunkel T, Funk D, King C. (2009), “In Sustainable management and marketing: Proceedings of Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: Consumer based brand associations for professional football leagues. Melbourne, VIC.
  • Kunkel T, Funk D, King C. (2014), “Developing a Conceptual Understanding of Consumer-based League Brand Associations”, Journal of Sport Management, 28(1). 49-67.
  • Low GS, Lamb CW. (2000), “The measurement and dimensionality of brand Associations”, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 9 (6), 350-70.
  • Mullin BJ, Hardy S, Sutton WA. (2007), Sport Marketing ( Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Nunnally JC. (1978), Psychometric Theory (2nd. ed.,. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Ross SD, James JD, Vargas P. (2006). “Development of a scale to measure professional sport team brand associations”, Journal of Sport Management, 20, 260-279.
  • Ross SD, Russell KC, Bang H. (2008), “An empirical assessment of spectator-based brand equity”, Journal of Sport Management, 22 (3), 322-337.
  • Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. (2001), Using Multivariate Statistics (6.Ed.), [Elektronik Sürünüm]. Pearson.
  • Villarejo Ramos ÁF, Martín Velicia FA. (2007), “A proposed model for measuring the brand equity in sports organizations”, ESIC-Market, 127, 331-374.
  • Williams AS. (2010). Examining the role of brand associations in multipurpose fitness facilities: The relationship between service quality, exercise commitment, brand associations, and brand loyalty. Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University.
  • Yoo B, Donthu N, Lee S. (2000), “An examination of selected marketing mix elements and brand equity”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), 195 211. Yıldız Y. (2016), “A research on soccer teams’ brand associations”, The Sport Journal, 56 (19).
  • Yıldız Y. (2016), “A research on soccer teams’ brand associations”, The Sport Journal, 56 (19).
  • Yıldız Y, Ay C, Özbey S. (2012), “Futbol takımlarında tüketici temelli marka değeri: Bir model önerisi”. Ege Akademik Bakış,12,1-10.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Kadir Yağız

Publication Date June 29, 2020
Submission Date March 20, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 38 Issue: 2


APA Yağız, K. (2020). SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(2), 373-386.
AMA Yağız K. SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. June 2020;38(2):373-386. doi:10.17065/huniibf.542491
Chicago Yağız, Kadir. “SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 38, no. 2 (June 2020): 373-86.
EndNote Yağız K (June 1, 2020) SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 38 2 373–386.
IEEE K. Yağız, “SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 373–386, 2020, doi: 10.17065/huniibf.542491.
ISNAD Yağız, Kadir. “SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 38/2 (June 2020), 373-386.
JAMA Yağız K. SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;38:373–386.
MLA Yağız, Kadir. “SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 38, no. 2, 2020, pp. 373-86, doi:10.17065/huniibf.542491.
Vancouver Yağız K. SPOR LİGLERİNDE TÜKETİCİ ODAKLI MARKA ÇAĞRIŞIMLARI. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;38(2):373-86.

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